Posts tagged Design
Design Detail: The 1961 Lincoln Continental

By Craig Metros.

After World War II the design, engineering, and manufacturing of automobiles in the United States reached new heights. American soldiers returned home in search of the American Dream. The dream was an aspiration to obtain a family, a home and among other things, an automobile. To respond to the increasing demand, American car manufacturers began introducing new models on a regular basis. Major changes were made every two or three years. Minor modifications were made every year.

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Art of Drive: Alan Derosier

Our Art of Drive series interviews artists, designers and photographers to find out what inspires them.

Please give our readers an introduction to who you are, where you are from, and what you do?

My name is Alan Derosier, I’m 27 years old and from a small town in the Britain countryside of France. I'm a car designer currently working in Shanghai, China, living with a strong passion for vintage aircooled VWs and Porsches.

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Fuel TankArt, France, Design